Sunday, February 7, 2010

How Dry Is 59 Humidity What Is The Relative Humidity And Mass?

What is the relative humidity and mass? - how dry is 59 humidity

They said they would be found by a relative humidity of a region where the dry bulb psychrometer is 20 degrees Celsius and the wet bulb temperature is 15 degrees Celsius. I found the temperature difference between the two and is on an information table at the conclusion that the relative humidity is 59% related. Then asked to complete the body of water, will find in the air. A curve to 20 degrees Celsius and a humidity of 100%, there are 15 grams of water vapor per kg dry air. So, to find the mass of water per kg of dry air when the relative humidity is 59%, not enough, to establish that 59% or 15? (8.85)


Michel Verheughe said...

Yes, this is the right answer, in my opinion. It's a little weird because the numbers I have in mind are: the standard atmosphere (the average of the earth and all instruments), including instruments for the aviation industry is to 15 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, a cubic meter up to 14 grams of water. The relative humidity is 100%.
The average portal pressure 1013 hPa, or 1.013 kilograms per square centimeter. ... I do not know how to measure the "kilo" of the air, however.

But when a relative humidity of 59%, then it is logical that the absolute humidity in grams of 59% of the absolute humidity dewpoint of 100% relative humidity.

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