Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Plan B Cost-walmart Plan B....??

Plan B....?? - plan b cost-walmart

Okay, here's my story: My last period was on 18 July and generally have one cycle of 28 days or less normal. Over 27 July or 28 I have with my BF. We did not have sexual intercourse or distribution, but I was nervous that some of ejaculation, as in my area. Approximately two hours after I plan B and took him and made Clock and the second one as directed. Approximately two days later I took another dose of Plan B, again after messing around. Today (August 9) I woke up feeling very confused when they could spend and a little nausea. I decided that a urine pregnancy test to pass which proved negative. I am very concerned for the moment. I know it is very unlikely that you could be pregnant, and there was no real penetration. I think my question really is, what is the last person to have a period after taking Plan B? (A few more days until my normal time) Also, how long should I wait until a blood test the doctor? Thank u for ur answers as


Telilah2... said...

People are angry that do exactly what your question. To lose time in another. I'm sure you know that the ingestion of 2 doses, not good ... Thank you captain obvious. =]

anyway. I took Plan B 27 July also. Not because I to 17 August, I received it 2 days ago .. First 7 days. Plan B will make you feel like crap, it's for me. I was 1 Fine of 24 hours, then 5 days later, ill. Arrival Absolutely. It is a huge dose of hormones, and you take 2, I can see why your dizzy. Your not pregnant, so it does not exist, or will be taken in its consequences.

Everyone is different, you could soon .. or it may get later. I do not think he has got a blood test, there is no penetration, but since it took 2 doses, one can not really period. If there is anything you can, that the earth is normal.

Good luck and let these people not to you.

♫ Mad Luv ♫ said...

Not sure if this helps or not, but if the key air Sprem will die!

♫ Mad Luv ♫ said...

Not sure if this helps or not, but if the key air Sprem will die!

brooklyn... said...

You have to be on birth control! Stop taking Plan B, so the problem of why you feel like ****. He is not running, though late, why you Freakin 'Out? "Im sure you Arent prego and did not even have sex, and got a neg test and its not too late ...

brooklyn... said...

You have to be on birth control! Stop taking Plan B, so the problem of why you feel like ****. He is not running, though late, why you Freakin 'Out? "Im sure you Arent prego and did not even have sex, and got a neg test and its not too late ...

Tina and Alberto said...

You should not skip "Plan B" pills, as they are sweet .. They are much more harmful for the body of birth control and should not be used regularly, such as birth control, because they essentially abortion pills and really screw your system .. This could be the reason for their feelings. If you are so anxious to be pregnant, consult a physician. I think you should meet regularly on the pill and agree with the Plan B issue, because it is not safe to use and abuse. I'm not sure what the last person had a period after a plan B, but I do not think you should wait until a blood sample given by your doctor ..

arielle said...

My husband told me once that sperm touches air, dies. I am nervous that I am also pregnant and married. I was on birth control and totally screws with my body, mind and soul ....

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